Ímã redondo de ferrite com pino
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Ímã redondo de ferrite com pino

  • RPM-TC


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Ferrite pot magnets (also called ceramic pot magnets) consists of ferrite magnets (or ceramic magnets) and metal shell outside.

Ferrite magnets are the most popular permanent magnets due to low prices. Metal shell is conductive to magnetics. All sides of ferrite magnets are enclosured by iron shell except for the working side. The design is helpful to greatly enhance the magnetic force, thus the pull force of ferrite pot magnets is times higher than the single ferrite magnets in the same size.

In addition, the metal shell could protect ferrite magnets from breaking in application. The metal pot is normally plated in Zinc. There is no need to plate ferrite magnets because it is not as easy to get rusty as neodymium magnets.

The pot magnets are widely used to hold tools, signes, lamps, metal parts of machinery etc. We can make pot magnets in different shapes and sizes.

Round base with outside threaded rod

Round base ferrite magnet with external thread rod.

Esta base de ímãs de ferrite é usada para segurar ferramentas de cozinha ou portas feitas por você mesmo, holofote LED, alto-falante, também encontrado em aplicações que exigem um dispositivo de retenção forte ou a capacidade de prender um poste ou gancho para pendurar equipamentos de inspeção, medidores indicadores, sinais, antenas e outros itens.
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